Hello my Loves!
I recently had a chance to try out the XIAOMI Mi Note 2 smart phone and I really loved it.
Now let me tell you why : the camera is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, it captures everything and everywhere with a truly good quality. That's one of the main reasons why I adored this phone. Another reason would be the huge and bright screen, but then again, almost every good smart phone today has a vibrant screen. I also really loved the design of this smart guy; it's elegant and simple with the shiny black color, it's bended at the front so it gives off a more modern look.
Since, I am an iPhone user, it was a bit weird to use it, but after some time it felt comfortable in my hand and I managed to figure out how to use it. After all, it's bigger than my iPhone 6S. The Mi Note 2 is 5,7 inches and my current phone has 4,7 inch display.
If I had to choose between XIAOMI Mi Note 2 and iPhone I would still, sadly, choose and iPhone over it. It just feels more comfortable in every single way. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing phone and If you're on the hunt for a new not so expensive smart phone, I would truly recommend checking out the Mi Note 2.
Sveiki mielieji!
Neseniai turėjau galimybę išbandyti XIAOMI Mi Note 2 išmanųjį telefoną ir man jis tikrai tiko ir patiko! Dabar leiskite išdėstyti argumentus kodėl : kameros kokybė iš tiesų nustebino, fotoaparatas viską pagauna tinkamu momentu ir tinkamoje vietoje, ypač su automatiniu fokusavimo režimu. Tai ir yra viena pagrindinių priežaščių kodėl šis mobilusis man paliko įspūdį. Kita priežastis būtų didelis ir ryškus ekranas, bet, vėl gi, praktiškai kiekvienas išmanusis šiomis dienomis turi didelės raiškos ekraną. Kas dar labai patiko tai pats telefono dizainas : jis gan paprastas, tačiau elegantiškas, blizgios juodos spalvos, priekinio ekrano šonai įlenkti, o tai atrodo dar moderniau.
Kadangi ilgą laiką esu iPhone naudotoja, tai iš pradžių buvo gan keista paimti į rankas ir naudoti, tačiau po kiek laiko ranka pati prigludo ir priprato prie didesnio ekrano. Mi Note 2 turi 5,7 colių ekraną, kuomet mano iPhone 6S tik 4,7. Lygiai vienas colis, kas telefonui turi didelį gan skirtumą.
Jeigu reiktų rinktis tarp šio XIAOMI Mi Note 2 ir iPhone, tai ko gero rinkčiausi iPhone nedvėjodama. Nesupraskite klaidingai, telefonas tikrai geros kokybės su moderniais privalumais, tačiau, asmeniškai, iPhone patogesnis naudojimu ir visu kitu. Jei ieškote naujo, ne brangaus ir gero išmaniojo telefono, tikrai rekomenduočiau šį XIAOMI Mi Note 2.
Quite interesting article
AtsakytiPanaikintiI like the phone
AtsakytiPanaikintivery interesting post!
AtsakytiPanaikintiFab Blog post very insightful, a great user test! I love your mini Eiffel Tower its the cutest!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI like the way you set your photo properties, so creative!
AtsakytiPanaikintiYes, the camera does look like it takes good quality photos. My mom is looking for a new smart phone. I will let her know to check out this one.
AtsakytiPanaikintiHaven't heard of this brand before but I would be keen to try it out! I currently have an iphone.
AtsakytiPanaikintiWow, the extra large display screen and camera quality looks super nice! I am also an iPhone loyalist, but it's always nice to try the alternative devices available.
AtsakytiPanaikintiA good camera is what I am looking for a smartphone. The size is another important thing that I consider.
AtsakytiPanaikintiThe Xiaomi Mi Note 2 sounds like a great phone for sure. I love how big the screen is on it. When I look for a new phone I always try to get one with a good camera and this one would fit the bill for me. Thanks for sharing a great review.
AtsakytiPanaikintiLooks like an awesome phone! I'm all about the latest tech and gadgets. Thanks for the introduction to the note 2!
AtsakytiPanaikintiGosh, I guess there are ways in which I'm not a techie & I keep my phone until the battery won't hold a charge as I hate having to learn all the quirks of every new phone.
AtsakytiPanaikintiExcellent articl bro. Mi didn't use the curved display well through its software and camera could have been better also only the build was good.