Teikia „Blogger“.

Photo diary: Amsterdam

Hi! So yes, I visited one of my dream cities - Amsterdam. This place is filled with people who are happy and smiling, different, not to mention, most of them looked amazing in their outfits.  Even tho, the weather didn't seem to cooperate with the experience, we still had an amazing day. Me and my group got on a boat and had a tour around the city, then we went to The Rembrandt House museum and Rijksmuseum and later in the day we had some free time as well. While we were strolling through Amsterdams' streets, I took some great photos and wanted to share them with you!


Labas! Taigi taip, buvau vienam savo svajonių miestų - Amsterdame. Ši vieta pilna žmonių, laimingų ir besišypsančių, kitokių. Nepaisant to, oras nebuvo pats nuostabiausias, bet tai vistiek nekeičia fakto, kad turėjom nuostabią ir nuotykių kupiną dieną. Kartu su savo grupe iš pradžių laivu plaukiojome kanalais, vėliau aplankėme Rembrandto namų muziejų ir įžymųjį Rijksmuseum, dienos pabaigoje turėjome keletą valandų laisvo laiko. Kol vaikštinėjome Amsterdamo gatvėmis, padariau šiek tiek nuotraukų, kuriomis norėjau su jumis pasidalinti!

6 komentarai

  1. Amsterdam is such a beautiful place. I've only ever visited once before but would love to go again and explore more! Love your photos! Xox

  2. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Amsterdam. I love this city as well, it's so perfect for shopping.

    x Karen

  3. I have never visit beautyful Amsterdam. Your pictures are great and your blog also!Keep on good working.



    1. Well you should, it's a beautiful city as you can see! Thanks, love, xo.

  4. Amazing photos. I really want to visit Amsterdam one day.

